We are sure all of you have done this before: you started to follow a brand and then few days or months later you unfollow them. This is nothing unusual, or new. Unless YOUR BRAND gets unfollowed. If you pay attention to your company’s social media, you will probably be aware of your followers- how many you have, who are the new ones, how many among them are unfollowing you on a monthly or weekly basis. The latter of these statistics often is painful and frustrating, but is an inevitable part of the procedure.
Why do these unfollow happen? While there is no hard and fast rule why people unfollow brands on social media, there are a few motivating factors that tend to emerge over time. People will inevitably unfollow brands on social media and as people are different, their reasons too will differ. As a brand, it’s pretty impossible to please every single person. However, there are a few reasons why your brand is getting unfollowed.
Nobody likes boring content. If the content which you share is boring and repetitive, your customers will definitely unfollow you. All of us know that nowadays there is a lot of competition out there, mainly when it comes to sharing the content. This is the reason why you should be innovative as far as your social media presence is concerned. People follow brands for certain reasons and if you post boring content, you can bid goodbye to your followers. People follow brands who they really care about and they always look up for fresh content.
You are promoting your brand too much. Your followers accept a small amount of self-promotion, but if you keep on posting promotional posts daily, they will not like it and start unfollowing you. A 70-30 split is the best thing to opt for. 70% other content and 30% promotional content.
There are chances that you are using wrong hashtags or using them too often. You should only use hashtags where they make sense and never use too many at a time. This makes your post look spam, like your only intention is to grab maximum followers. Always use the right hashtag based on your business category.
You are probably posting too much on social media. It is true that followers want to hear from you, that’s why they followed you in the first place. However, they don’t want their feed to be filed with your post only. It’s good to spread your posts, but do not overwhelm your followers with posts and content too much.
Here are a few ways you can avoid losing your followers due to posting frequency
As a brand, you should engage with your audience often. Rather than grieving on the fact that customers are unfollowing you, find out what it is that they are clicking the “unfollow” button. If you are confident in what you do and remind yourself that there are audiences out there who love you and your service, then it will be easy for you to engage with them and also attract many new people to your brand. Your followers expect you to interact with them, so try not to disappoint them.
Now that we’ve discussed few reasons why people unfollow your brand, let’s take a look at how to avoid that.
Most of the audience follow brands on social media in search of discounts and offers, entertaining or funny posts, product or brand news. Thus, your main job is to share a mix of all. This will keep your audience entertained and interested. However, try to avoid boring product announcements or posts about launches.
Visuals are not meant only for Instagram and Pinterest. In fact, people prefer engaging visual content when compared to a wall of only boring texts. Including visuals in your content appeals to audience. However, ensure that you use the right images that matches with the content and is also eye-catching.
Social media is not a place to talk about only yourself or your brand. You should not have an advertising approach in your creatives. If your only aim is to advertise your company, product or services, people will mostly unfollow you. Instead, look for something that they can engage with and share with others. This will encourage them to love your brand.
People nowadays use social media to connect with the brand they love, but they do not follow them just for the sake of doing it. Whenever a person mentions brand on social media he or she expects a response. Like a retweet, a comment, a response or a favorite. The thing that matters in building a meaningful relationship with your audience is to make them believe that you really exist and care about them. Definitely, it takes time to respond, but your followers will appreciate it.
So, here you go! We hope these tips will help you lower unfollow rate. If you want an expert on your behalf who can manage all your social media accounts, keep a track of likes and followers, make sure your audience is engaged with creative posts etc. then, our social media team is the right option for you. Discuss your problems with our experts.
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