If you have not tried this till now, do it now: Take out your tablet or smartphone and navigate to your site. There are hardly few business owners who have never done this, even though they use their phones so much in their day to day lives. So, now as you are here, what do you see? Very small texts? Unclear graphics? Are you facing difficulty in navigation? If you are shocked by what you see, then we request you to consider a total revamping of your website.
Getting a makeover for your website is not simply a cosmetic luxury; it’s a business necessity. If you are among those who think that revamping a website is just to make it “look beautiful”, you are wrong. Business sites can attain a lot more from a well-designed website with a great user experience. With a perfect strategy, your website can capture huge audiences on each level of a marketing funnel.
Now, redesigning your company’s website is a big responsibility that you should not ignore. But, how will you understand which is the right time to revamp your website? Here are a few signs that shows you are due for a web redesign.
If your website is not mobile-friendly, you need a redesign
Mobile marketing has been increasing for years. Nowadays, it is no more a trend. Why is mobile optimization so important for a website? Because customers spend on an average of 69% of their media time on their smartphones. As a marketer, your role is to keep an eye on your buyer’s behaviour trends and apply them to your business at the right point of time.
If the demand of customers is to go mobile, then that is where you should be. It has been found that 75% of users say that they won’t recommend a business that has a poorly designed website. Don’t let your business be one among them.
60% of users are unlikely to return to a mobile website which they find hard to access through their smartphones. This means that you are not only losing a business, but you are giving it over to a competitor.
If the speed of your site is slow, you need to redesign your website
Nothing kills a user’s experience faster than a slow loading time. Generally, they do not stick around long enough to even have an experience. As per various surveys, about half of the web users expect a loading time of about 2 seconds or less, and they tend to abandon a website that is not loaded within a span of 3 seconds.
Moreover, if you have an eCommerce store, the condition gets even worse. About 79% of web shoppers who face trouble in website performance say that they won’t come back again to the site to make a purchase. The reason behind a slow website is difficult to diagnose. It can be caused due to many reasons like inefficient code, huge file size, underperforming server or due large numbers of plug-ins. In several cases, when a company starts building a website they first select a server that fits their requirement in the best way.
With the moving time, their traffic and company demand might outgrow the server. To combat slow loading time in a website, without redesigning, you should first try the below mentioned things:
Optimizing the images
Try to avoid too many redirects
Optimizing the content by using the right keywords
If your bounce rate is high, you need a website redesign
A high bounce rate is something that all the marketers should not take casually. Your bounce rate can be defined as the percentage of visitors who visit your site but leave fast without moving to any other page. Therefore, if you have a bounce rate of 75%, this means that 75% of the visitors are leaving your website after visiting your website. And believe us, that is a BIG deal.
You want your website to be engaging as well as inviting enough that the visitors keep coming back. Pretty much all the things on the list-slow loading time, low mobile responsiveness etc., all contribute to a high bounce rate.
If your conversion rates are low, you need a website redesign
One of the biggest signs of an underperforming website is no conversions. There can be several reasons behind low conversions, and not necessarily all of them means an entire redesign is required. However, similarly as bounce rate, most of the times the cause behind low conversion is bad user experience.
Begin by setting up a Google goal tracking and conducting a conversion analysis audit.
Few things that you will want to focus on are:
The behaviour flow: This is available in Google analytics and will show you how individuals navigate through your website.
Landing pages: In the behaviour section of Google analytics, it will show how good is your landing page’s conversions results. Sometimes, simply revamping a landing page can do miracles.
Poor CTA: Each page in a website should have a clear Call-to-action (CTA)
If your website is not socially well connected, then you should go for a website redesign
Talking about social media elements, Facebook is regarded as the most popular one among all. Facebook is the only social media channel which approximately all the business entities use Facebook for advertising purposes. Are you doing social media marketing for your business in the right way? If your business is not visible on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. then you are making a big mistake. Redesign your website so that it allows your users to connect with your business through all the social media channels seamlessly.
So, what do you think? Do you need a website redesign. If any of the above-mentioned signs sound like your website, it’s high time to consider a website redesign.
Some among them can be fixed quickly whereas some of them could point to issues other than page designs. Most significantly, never ignore the warning signs. It may need some up-front, but it will be well worth it when your rankings and traffic start to increase.
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